Friday, June 12, 2009

First Post - Etsy Purchases

I recently went a little crazy on Etsy, but i didn't want these items getting purchased by someone else. Also, the prices were great, which is another reason i couldn't pass them up!

These were bigger than i thought, and so cute!
I loved this dress when i ordered it. I was unsure about sizing, but it ended up only being a little big through the waist, which is fixable.

I think this is my favorite purchase so far. I finally hung this little guy on my wall and he makes me so happy
This is going next to my owl, and will be the start of my wall art.
I have a ton of space to fill on the walls in my room, but this will work nice above my bed. Plus, more owls!

My recently acquired decorating interest is probably bugging the hell out of my mother. She's always trying to move my stuff around (She did like my owl though). Now I just need to print some pictures out of the Fiance and I. I'm thinking of putting three in some small silver frames above my bed.

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